image id331 Gallery: Underside and Engine , Volkswagen Westfalia Berlin, European Edition fro sale, Edinburgh.

Gallery / Underside and Engine

You'll see some patches of rust here and there but they;re not serious. What you will see is the original factory underseal. No shiny black underseal covering up goodness knows what. What you see is what you get and it's very tidy and solid.

2 Litre Type4 engine

2 Litre Type4 engine

(click pic for hi-res version)

Bit dirty but it's not there for show, it's done 8,000miles since full rebuild and goes like the proverbiall sewing machine. Will be good for another 100,000 miles easy. Note Weber 34ICT carbs (£450 on their own).


The 12 images in Underside and Engine

Front Bumper Underside From Front Rear Shock and wheel Looking to front Looking to middle Middle to rear Rear view Under Battery tray Wider view with cat 2 Litre Type4 engine Engine with engine bay Engine